Monday, January 15, 2007

Call of God

For a while I have been thinking about the call of God. As pentecostal churches we often focus heavily on the individual call of God for a persons life. We always need to ensure we keep the balance between what God wants us to do and what God wants us to become. I had been thinking about this then I read a fantastic part in the book Church@community by Ed Delph, which puts it far better then I could.

"Our primary purpose as Christians and churches is to be conformed to the image of Jesus(it is predestined), and secondly to fulfill calling. If your calling comes before being conformed to Jesus, you are in danger of becoming sectarian, judgemental and one-dimensional ... Your calling is never the standard, Jesus is! Every emphasis needs a context. You are a Christian first, a prayer warrior second. You are a Christian first, a theologian or church historian second ... "

Church@Community page 161


andrew killick said...

good stuff bro

Anonymous said...

oh aye bro. Nice effort.Rarely is what we think as normal anything close to what God see's as normal. The challenge is to live in God's "normal" aye