Saturday, July 23, 2005

Work for the dole?

Should people have to work for the dole?

Yes, yes and yes!!!

I think it is vital that we establish something that once people have been on the unemployment benefit for longer then three months they should be required to perform some type of work or lose their benefit.
I think this should be the case for anyone on the unemployment benefit and anyone on the DPB whose youngest child is at school. Surely we are just encouraging a false reality by giving people something for nothing, I honestly think the people that a work for the benefit scheme would benefit would be the beneficiaries themselves.

I am tired and aren't capable of giving this the logic it deserves but post your comments anyway.


hg said...

i have to respond with a hearty


Aaron More said...

Very good points Shawn. I guess their are two types of unemployed, those who don't want a job and those who can't get a job.

A lot of people who say they "can't get a job" actually mean they can't get a job they would like. I still think work for the dole is very workable as long as the right people are made to do the work.
It should be trying to work the habitual beneficaries who have been on the benefit for a long period and the cycle of doing nothing to be broken in their life.