I am an avid radio sport listener and today it paid off! Through phoning in and answering a sports question I then went into the draw and won...... A trip for two to Auckland to go to the peoples choice sports awards gala dinner. This is a $280 a plate dinner with limited tickets sold! They also put us up in the Hyatt and pay for the hire of some flash gears to wear on the night. Just what a poor student needs
Oh if anyone is wondering I am taking Sarah (my wife)
Friday, December 02, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Verse of the week
Job 36: 5-12
God is mighty, but does not despise men;
he is mighty, and firm in his purpose.
6 He does not keep the wicked alive
but gives the afflicted their rights.
7 He does not take his eyes off the righteous;
he enthrones them with kings
and exalts them forever.
8 But if men are bound in chains,
held fast by cords of affliction,
9 he tells them what they have done—
that they have sinned arrogantly.
10 He makes them listen to correction
and commands them to repent of their evil.
11 If they obey and serve him,
they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity
and their years in contentment.
12 But if they do not listen,
they will perish by the sword [a]
and die without knowledge.
God is mighty, but does not despise men;
he is mighty, and firm in his purpose.
6 He does not keep the wicked alive
but gives the afflicted their rights.
7 He does not take his eyes off the righteous;
he enthrones them with kings
and exalts them forever.
8 But if men are bound in chains,
held fast by cords of affliction,
9 he tells them what they have done—
that they have sinned arrogantly.
10 He makes them listen to correction
and commands them to repent of their evil.
11 If they obey and serve him,
they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity
and their years in contentment.
12 But if they do not listen,
they will perish by the sword [a]
and die without knowledge.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
A case for door to door evangelism?
Jehovah's witnesses claim that they need to knock on 740 doors for each convert. I am not sure if they have exagerated this to make their evangelism see more effective, but if this is accurate then it is a lot lot better "odds" then I would have guessed. I know what is true from talking to Jaydubs is that many more people are open to door to door evangelism then we may like to think. So should we all put on our shirts and ties and get door knocking?? LOL
Monday, November 07, 2005
Where have all the deacons gone?
The number of men involved in churches in NZ has said to have dropped over the past 30 years. I wonder if in part this is due to the reducing of the roles similar to that of a deacon?
A lot of the worship songs in church use particularly honeymoonish type lyrics. Personally I quite like the modern songs as a way of worship, but many men don't enjoy that as their primary way of worship.
A lot of men get their sense of worth out of being able to be of pracitcal use. Maybe its just the churches I have been to but you don't seem to see as much the guy who sits in the foyer making sure everything is ok. Or the man who is on car security during the night services. It used to be the deacons job to collect up the offering, but now I see it done by many different people each week. What does it matter who collects up the offering? If that was part of a role that was giving someone importance and enabling someone to worship God in their local church then it does matter.
Also on a side issue I am interested in what people think. Do you think contemporary church services cater more for male or female preferences? I know that even asking such a question may seem like a large generalisation but obviously men and woman are different so who is more catered to?
A lot of the worship songs in church use particularly honeymoonish type lyrics. Personally I quite like the modern songs as a way of worship, but many men don't enjoy that as their primary way of worship.
A lot of men get their sense of worth out of being able to be of pracitcal use. Maybe its just the churches I have been to but you don't seem to see as much the guy who sits in the foyer making sure everything is ok. Or the man who is on car security during the night services. It used to be the deacons job to collect up the offering, but now I see it done by many different people each week. What does it matter who collects up the offering? If that was part of a role that was giving someone importance and enabling someone to worship God in their local church then it does matter.
Also on a side issue I am interested in what people think. Do you think contemporary church services cater more for male or female preferences? I know that even asking such a question may seem like a large generalisation but obviously men and woman are different so who is more catered to?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
smoking vs fastfood
Is it strange that a lot of Christians judge smoking based on the fact that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, yet the same emphasis does not seem to be focused on unhealthy eating and lack of exercise? (I don't smoke btw just interested in what people think)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Since moving to Tauranga I have been amazed about the pride that Taurangites display in their weather. Everytime you tell people you have moved up here from Christchurch you get a response about how much you must be enjoying the warmer weather. IF this happened on the odd ocassion you would smile and nod but when EVERY SINGLE person does it too you, it begins to get slightly frustrating. It gets to the point where you have a standard answer for all these weather worshipping nutcases. Had I realised being a worshipper of the weather was a necessity for lving in Tauranga then I may have thought twice about the move.
I think I am going to get a tshirt made
YES I AM ENJOYING THE WEATHER (although it rains lots)
I think I am going to get a tshirt made
YES I AM ENJOYING THE WEATHER (although it rains lots)
Cool night
A couple of weeks ago we went into town on a Friday night. I had a few too many drinks, but it was so good stopping just short of puking ... NAH Just kidding!
We went into town on a Friday night outreach equipped with a sound system, music team, BBQ sausages and coffee. Man it was an awesome night. Their was just a real peace about what we were doing. We didn't need to bible bash people, we were trusting God to bring the right people along and he did!
Towards the end of the night we had a cool discussion with a guy who had recently been divorced. It was a real God appointed moment, after I talked to him for 10 minutes my friend was able to share for about 20 minutes and ended with sharing salvation with him. The guy didn't want to commit that night because he was still hoping to get lucky but he genuinely wanted to know how to have a relationship with God.
We went into town on a Friday night outreach equipped with a sound system, music team, BBQ sausages and coffee. Man it was an awesome night. Their was just a real peace about what we were doing. We didn't need to bible bash people, we were trusting God to bring the right people along and he did!
Towards the end of the night we had a cool discussion with a guy who had recently been divorced. It was a real God appointed moment, after I talked to him for 10 minutes my friend was able to share for about 20 minutes and ended with sharing salvation with him. The guy didn't want to commit that night because he was still hoping to get lucky but he genuinely wanted to know how to have a relationship with God.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Islamic heaven
Isn't it strange that Muslims spend their life avoiding sexual impurity and alcohol but their heaven is to be fulled with fine wines and pleasure mates. Based on all the immorality that goes on in Islamic heaven I would of thought America and western culture would literally be heaven on earth!!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
God is good
After many years of wanting to go to bible college it is awesome to be here, in the time of God and at the place where God would have me be. Faith Bible college has so far been amazing! The teaching is just superb, the ministry opportunity are fantastic. But most of all I love Thursdays where we have hour of power (basically a Holy Spirit hour - although the term hour would have to be used very loosely as it is often 90 minutes to 2 hours). Each week without fail the manifest presence of God comes and ministers at that time. It is so great to be in a environment where the Holy Spirit is moving.
I would appreciate your prayers as I have been asked to share at a halfway house this Tuesday. A lot of the guys in the house are recently out of prison. I am really looking forward to the challenge although it is a bit dauniting. I am believing that God is going to mininster and move.
I would appreciate your prayers as I have been asked to share at a halfway house this Tuesday. A lot of the guys in the house are recently out of prison. I am really looking forward to the challenge although it is a bit dauniting. I am believing that God is going to mininster and move.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The end of an era
I will admit that I thought Australia would win the ashes. For the sole reason that England's Batsman would not be able to handle Warne and McGrath and while this may still be the case surely we are seeing the end of an era.
The signs that Australia were beginning to fade were evident in the test series against NZ. Sure they thrashed us in each test but their top order failed on a few occasions against a pretty average NZ attack, Gilchrist came to the rescue each time and order was restored.
ultimately this is very good for cricket. Australia will still probably be the best test team for the next year or two, but they are going to get beaten. The aura of invincibility is slowing fading away.
So this is not the end of the Australian era, it is just the end of the "Australia being untouchable" era.
As to who will win the ashes...... WHO KNOWS but it is the greatest test cricket I have witnessed
The signs that Australia were beginning to fade were evident in the test series against NZ. Sure they thrashed us in each test but their top order failed on a few occasions against a pretty average NZ attack, Gilchrist came to the rescue each time and order was restored.
ultimately this is very good for cricket. Australia will still probably be the best test team for the next year or two, but they are going to get beaten. The aura of invincibility is slowing fading away.
So this is not the end of the Australian era, it is just the end of the "Australia being untouchable" era.
As to who will win the ashes...... WHO KNOWS but it is the greatest test cricket I have witnessed
Monday, August 08, 2005
Greatest test match in modern history
Obviously i am not talking about the all blacks match on the weeked.
Surely the 2nd ashes test is the greatest test match in modern history. It had everything (except a sensational 100 from someone). Plenty of body line bowling, fast scoring, quick wickets and the most amazing finish. I will remember for a long time listening to the morning session and hearing the impossible nearly become possible only to be ripped away at the last second, that whole game encaptured everything that is good about sport
Surely the 2nd ashes test is the greatest test match in modern history. It had everything (except a sensational 100 from someone). Plenty of body line bowling, fast scoring, quick wickets and the most amazing finish. I will remember for a long time listening to the morning session and hearing the impossible nearly become possible only to be ripped away at the last second, that whole game encaptured everything that is good about sport
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Maori pension at 60?
I see one of the Maori parties policies is to allow super ann to Maori at the age of 60 as the life expectancy of Maori is not the same as Pakeha. I watched a tv debate on this and the side against the legislation provided a very solid argument
This policy is flawed for so many reasons.
1) Superannuation is on borrowed time as it is, due to the baby boomers and the fact that elderly will soon make up a very high percentage of New Zealanders we can expect to see dramatic reductions in the amount of Super ann being paid to everyone, no people group should be expecting to live off a large government super plan, instead the government should be doing more to encourage private pensions scheme
2) Their are other races that also have a short life expectancy, but their is nothing in the policy to cater for them
3) Surely you should be trying to deal with the issues that cause a shorter Maori life span then simply accepting it as a fact and paying out super at a younger age
4) If two people have lived next door to one another and worked at the same job all their lives, one should not get to retire 5 years younger just becuase they are of a different race.
This policy is flawed for so many reasons.
1) Superannuation is on borrowed time as it is, due to the baby boomers and the fact that elderly will soon make up a very high percentage of New Zealanders we can expect to see dramatic reductions in the amount of Super ann being paid to everyone, no people group should be expecting to live off a large government super plan, instead the government should be doing more to encourage private pensions scheme
2) Their are other races that also have a short life expectancy, but their is nothing in the policy to cater for them
3) Surely you should be trying to deal with the issues that cause a shorter Maori life span then simply accepting it as a fact and paying out super at a younger age
4) If two people have lived next door to one another and worked at the same job all their lives, one should not get to retire 5 years younger just becuase they are of a different race.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Labour to cut student loan interest
Labour have just announced
The Government will scrap interest payments on student loans held by people living in New Zealand, Prime Minister Helen Clark announced today.
She said the proposed change, which would begin on April 1 next year, would massively reduce loan repayment times.
The policy would cost $100 million in its first year, eventually rising to $300 million a year.
Miss Clark said the policy would form the second of Labour's seven pledge card election promises.
Labour's first pledge card promise is to widen the rates rebate scheme
I am a student who has just taken out a SL for course fees and I don't agree with this at all. The current system is perfectly fair with regards to course fees. I don't have to pay any interest while studying and after I stop studying I get charged interest at a low rate, plus the government already funds universities about 60%. Yes their is still an expense to studying but with regards to course fees the government is already investing thousands of dollars into each degree earned.
This new measure only benefits students after they stop studying (as they pay no interest while studying anyway). Surely the time to help them is while studying by paying a universal student allowance. I have said before and I will say it again I don't believe any government should LOAN money for living expenses.
Remove the ability to borrow for living expenses, pay a universal student allowance and keep interest on course fees once the borrower has finished studying
The Government will scrap interest payments on student loans held by people living in New Zealand, Prime Minister Helen Clark announced today.
She said the proposed change, which would begin on April 1 next year, would massively reduce loan repayment times.
The policy would cost $100 million in its first year, eventually rising to $300 million a year.
Miss Clark said the policy would form the second of Labour's seven pledge card election promises.
Labour's first pledge card promise is to widen the rates rebate scheme
I am a student who has just taken out a SL for course fees and I don't agree with this at all. The current system is perfectly fair with regards to course fees. I don't have to pay any interest while studying and after I stop studying I get charged interest at a low rate, plus the government already funds universities about 60%. Yes their is still an expense to studying but with regards to course fees the government is already investing thousands of dollars into each degree earned.
This new measure only benefits students after they stop studying (as they pay no interest while studying anyway). Surely the time to help them is while studying by paying a universal student allowance. I have said before and I will say it again I don't believe any government should LOAN money for living expenses.
Remove the ability to borrow for living expenses, pay a universal student allowance and keep interest on course fees once the borrower has finished studying
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Work for the dole?
Should people have to work for the dole?
Yes, yes and yes!!!
I think it is vital that we establish something that once people have been on the unemployment benefit for longer then three months they should be required to perform some type of work or lose their benefit.
I think this should be the case for anyone on the unemployment benefit and anyone on the DPB whose youngest child is at school. Surely we are just encouraging a false reality by giving people something for nothing, I honestly think the people that a work for the benefit scheme would benefit would be the beneficiaries themselves.
I am tired and aren't capable of giving this the logic it deserves but post your comments anyway.
Yes, yes and yes!!!
I think it is vital that we establish something that once people have been on the unemployment benefit for longer then three months they should be required to perform some type of work or lose their benefit.
I think this should be the case for anyone on the unemployment benefit and anyone on the DPB whose youngest child is at school. Surely we are just encouraging a false reality by giving people something for nothing, I honestly think the people that a work for the benefit scheme would benefit would be the beneficiaries themselves.
I am tired and aren't capable of giving this the logic it deserves but post your comments anyway.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Should we tour?
I am interested in peoples opinions about whether the NZ cricket team should tour Zimbabwe? Their is a lot of pressure being put on the government to ban the cricket team from touring due to the human rights abuses in Zimbabwe and the fact that Mugabe is a patron of Zimbabwe cricket.
Currently the governments stance is that they can not stop the cricket team from touring as it was be an abuse of the NZ players human rights. They are saying it is up to NZ cricket to pull the plug. Problem is unless the government ban the NZ players from going then NZ cricket becomes liable for reimbursing the Zim team for the cost of the tour, by the time TV rights are taken into account this would be millions.
So what should happen?
My feeling is that the government should stop them from going, we can't be seen to support that regime in anyway. Although I think it is sad that the international community has done very little to stop what is going on in Zimbabwe and believe something should have been done a long time ago. It should not be left up to our sportsman to fight the political battle
Secondly the international Cricket Council should have suspended Zim from all cricket, due to the horrible conditions of this country.
I truly wonder if all the promises from the G8 will do much if we are going to fail to act in key situations like the one in Zimbabwe.
So what are your thoughts, should sports teams be used to make a political stand?
Currently the governments stance is that they can not stop the cricket team from touring as it was be an abuse of the NZ players human rights. They are saying it is up to NZ cricket to pull the plug. Problem is unless the government ban the NZ players from going then NZ cricket becomes liable for reimbursing the Zim team for the cost of the tour, by the time TV rights are taken into account this would be millions.
So what should happen?
My feeling is that the government should stop them from going, we can't be seen to support that regime in anyway. Although I think it is sad that the international community has done very little to stop what is going on in Zimbabwe and believe something should have been done a long time ago. It should not be left up to our sportsman to fight the political battle
Secondly the international Cricket Council should have suspended Zim from all cricket, due to the horrible conditions of this country.
I truly wonder if all the promises from the G8 will do much if we are going to fail to act in key situations like the one in Zimbabwe.
So what are your thoughts, should sports teams be used to make a political stand?
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Singapore Airlines.
Sarah and I are now back safe and sound.
One of the pleasing aspects of our trip was flying Singapore Airlines. They are by far the best carrier I have ever flown on and regardless of price (within reason) I would always choose to fly with them again.
They have all the latest modcons on the plane, including about 30 movies that you can choose from, nintendo games system and a great music selection.
The real kicker though was their service, it was just fantastic. The staff are so friendly and run off their feet to keep you watered, fed and comfortable.
NZ could learn a lot about customer service from SA (in fact Singapore in general excelled in CS)
One of the pleasing aspects of our trip was flying Singapore Airlines. They are by far the best carrier I have ever flown on and regardless of price (within reason) I would always choose to fly with them again.
They have all the latest modcons on the plane, including about 30 movies that you can choose from, nintendo games system and a great music selection.
The real kicker though was their service, it was just fantastic. The staff are so friendly and run off their feet to keep you watered, fed and comfortable.
NZ could learn a lot about customer service from SA (in fact Singapore in general excelled in CS)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Safe and sound
We were in London when the bomb blast happened, it was our departure day. Thankfully we were not in central London at the time of the explosions, it was very surreal watching the coverage from my brothers house, knowing that these were stations we had been in the day before.
It was a dispicable act of terrorism and the scary thing is their is really no way of protecting the tubes. How do you protect something on which 3 million people travel on per day?
On a personal note thnkfully Heathrow airport was still open and I am writing this from Singapore.
It was a dispicable act of terrorism and the scary thing is their is really no way of protecting the tubes. How do you protect something on which 3 million people travel on per day?
On a personal note thnkfully Heathrow airport was still open and I am writing this from Singapore.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
A perfect day
Sarah and I have just had a fantastic day in Luzern, Switzerland. Luzern is a beautiful town with a awesome green lake. It is like Queenstown only it is not crowded and has lots of beautiful buildings. We decided to shell out some cash and do a tourist trip. It started with a 90 minute boat cruise through the lake which was truly breath taking. Then we went on the worlds steepest cogwell train up a 6000 foot mountain. The view was amazing and their were many cool walks to go on. From their we took a large cable car halfway down the mountain to a place where we could go toboganing (sp?, which was also a lot of fun. We then took a half an hour Gondola ride down to the bottm and then a 15 minute bus trip back to the centre of Luzern.
As it was about 30 degrees we asked our Hotel manager if their was a part of the lake where we could swim, he pointed out the local swimming area and we walk down and had a really nice dip. Then on the way back we bought a whole lot of junk food and got back to our room just in time to watch a cool thunder in lightening storm (actually we only watched the lightening!). Arrhhh a perfect day!
Oh yeah the rest of the trip has been great too!
As it was about 30 degrees we asked our Hotel manager if their was a part of the lake where we could swim, he pointed out the local swimming area and we walk down and had a really nice dip. Then on the way back we bought a whole lot of junk food and got back to our room just in time to watch a cool thunder in lightening storm (actually we only watched the lightening!). Arrhhh a perfect day!
Oh yeah the rest of the trip has been great too!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
We're going to Bonnie Doon
Sarah and I are off to Europe tomorrow!!! So next time I read this blog I will be in London. I am sure I will manage to make the odd blog from various exotic European locations. "We're going to Bonnie Doon"
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Ever hear that prayer "Thank you God that we have so much freedom to worship you...." Everytime I hear it I think what would happen if the church in New Zealand was being persecuted and would it be such a bad thing? In so many places where persecution is happening the church is growing. Obviously having our freedom is a blessing, but when we trade freedom for comfort that is when we tend to get into trouble.
I often wonder if we have worked so hard at trying not to "turn people off the gospel" that we have lost the edge of "how to get them interested in the gospel". Surely the faith we have requires that sometimes we are put in a position where our faith is being persecuted (maybe not on a grand scale all the time but certainly to a higher degree then we currently see).
Oh how often I slump into a comfortable "ask me no questions and I won't step on your toes kind of faith". Oh God help me
I often wonder if we have worked so hard at trying not to "turn people off the gospel" that we have lost the edge of "how to get them interested in the gospel". Surely the faith we have requires that sometimes we are put in a position where our faith is being persecuted (maybe not on a grand scale all the time but certainly to a higher degree then we currently see).
Oh how often I slump into a comfortable "ask me no questions and I won't step on your toes kind of faith". Oh God help me
End of the road
After over six years in the same work place I am coming to the end of the road! Today I have one week to go WOW!!! I am so looking forward to new challenges and what is in store for us up north but one part of me is sad. Few people get to work in a job where they learn something new (which they find interesting)everyday.
As I reflect on 6 years it once again reminds me of the Faithfulness of God, as he has been with me at work and grown me over the last six year so he will go ahead of me. I am so grateful for his continued favor and blessing in my life.
One more week to go YIPPPPEEEE!!!
As I reflect on 6 years it once again reminds me of the Faithfulness of God, as he has been with me at work and grown me over the last six year so he will go ahead of me. I am so grateful for his continued favor and blessing in my life.
One more week to go YIPPPPEEEE!!!
Monday, May 30, 2005
Income splitting
United future have just released their policy on taxation and I must admit it is looking pretty good. I did not vote United Future in the last election but am quite impressed with their taxation policies. Income splitting for couples with dependent children is a fantastic way to invest into the family and give mothers a chance to stay home with their children(if they choose to). I think it would need clear guidelines around it and I would have a limitation of about 30k that could be passed to a partner.
The Threshold changes and first 3k being tax free are also quite reasonable in the context that they are also proposing income spliting
I am however very surprised for them to say that their total tax package is only going to cost 2 -3 billion and am suspicious that this may be just the threshold changes without taking into account the income splitting side of it.
The Threshold changes and first 3k being tax free are also quite reasonable in the context that they are also proposing income spliting
I am however very surprised for them to say that their total tax package is only going to cost 2 -3 billion and am suspicious that this may be just the threshold changes without taking into account the income splitting side of it.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Rediscovering the Cross
Time and time again I find myself having to rediscover the cross. When you really stop to think about the bible and what Jesus has done, it still is and will always be the most amazing truth ever told. What is it within me (us?) that wants to normalise it and break it down to something that doesn't give goose bumps every time I think it about.
"I cried Who nailed him their, this child of peace and mercy, who nailed him their come and face me like a man, who nailed him their and the crowd began to mock me, I cried owe my God I don't understand and then I turned and saw the hammer in my hand" - The Hammer - Ray Boltz
I don't want to live under condemnation but I want to strive to live under the constant conviction of the cross. That each day would be truely different because of what he has done for me and the power of his Spirit. In the mean time though I am having to rediscover the cross over and over again.
"I cried Who nailed him their, this child of peace and mercy, who nailed him their come and face me like a man, who nailed him their and the crowd began to mock me, I cried owe my God I don't understand and then I turned and saw the hammer in my hand" - The Hammer - Ray Boltz
I don't want to live under condemnation but I want to strive to live under the constant conviction of the cross. That each day would be truely different because of what he has done for me and the power of his Spirit. In the mean time though I am having to rediscover the cross over and over again.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
With the cold snap I have been thinking about the seasons and come to conclusion, I like every season except spring. Summer is great because it is warm,fun and test cricket is on! Autumn is nice because it begins to cool off but the weather is consistant, and the trees look nice. Winter is nice because you get to rug up warm ,do nothing and it is footie season. But spring is the biggest let down (certainly in ch-ch) it is supposed to bring the hope of better weather but invaribly it rains heaps and is really incosistant. Cricket season starts but the pitches have more water on them then a hotel corrider after a visit from Dover. Yip I hate spring
Australian invasion
Thought I would do a bit of promoting for two new bloggers, who both happen to be Aussies!!
Lasalle and Shawn
Hope you don't mind the promotion fellas but I figure the point of a blog is not only a Journal but to grow from other peoples opinions.
As a side note I bet you all didn't know that I went to school with Scribe. That's right the voice of NZ hip hop and yours truely used to hang together (well not really he actually he punched me in the head in 4th form science!!!) I was friends with his cousin though,
Lasalle and Shawn
Hope you don't mind the promotion fellas but I figure the point of a blog is not only a Journal but to grow from other peoples opinions.
As a side note I bet you all didn't know that I went to school with Scribe. That's right the voice of NZ hip hop and yours truely used to hang together (well not really he actually he punched me in the head in 4th form science!!!) I was friends with his cousin though,
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Thinking banished
"We live in a world of frightful givens. It is a given that you will behave like this, it is a given that you will care about that. No one thinks about the givens. Isn't it amazing? In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper but we actually banished thought" - Quote from Jurassic Park - The book(which I may add is a FANTASTIC read)
Sunday, May 22, 2005
The true problems with Student Loans
So many people are arguing against the student loan system and how unfair it is, personally I think Student Loans are not the issue, student allowances are the key issue. I have no problem with people having to borrow money to pay for their course fees. Universities are 60% government funded anyway so the fact that we have the ability to borrow the rest of our fees (interest free while we study) is a pretty good deal. I think some student bodies have focused too hard on fee increases instead of focusing on the key issue which is allowances and borrowing for living costs. I think the fact that government would even consider having a system where it will loan money to students to live is a disgrace. If they paid a universal student allowance for anyone over 18 (not 20 like United Future suggest) they could cut out the option of borrowing to cover living costs. I believe no government with a surplus should ever be forcing (or even allowing) people to borrow money to live, that is the true issue with student loans
Who will intervene?
I was reading a few chapters in Isaiah over the weekend and the following stood out to me.
The LORD looked and was displeased
that there was no justice.
He saw that there was no one,
he was appalled that there was no one to intervene;
God was displeased with injustice but appalled that no one would intervene. How important it is for us to intervene when we see injustice. So often we can be "asleep in the light".
The LORD looked and was displeased
that there was no justice.
He saw that there was no one,
he was appalled that there was no one to intervene;
God was displeased with injustice but appalled that no one would intervene. How important it is for us to intervene when we see injustice. So often we can be "asleep in the light".
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Seeing the potential in others
I have been preparing to share at a youth leaders retreat this weekend and God has reminded me of something I had forgotten. When I was 14 I did a personality profile and one of the traits that came out somewhere in the middle was leadership. At that stage I couldn't really see myself having any leadership gifting. One of the older ladies in the church who was organizing the profiling simply said "I can see some leadership in you!" At a time when I wouldn't dare to believe in myself, she believed in me! At that stage I was far from being a leader but she saw a glimmer of potential and spoke prophetically too it. Now many years later I am going to be speaking to a group of leaders and encouraging them to see the potential in their young people, it is amazing how God works and who he uses!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
A different form of tax cut
With it being election year pressure is again coming on the government to cut taxes. I think a great way of offering a tax cut would be to give rebates on private health care insurance premiums. Currently the rebates system allows for donations and childcare/housekeeper and is one of the simplest and most efficient ways for the government to refund money. Surely we should be willing to give some encouragement to those who choose to have private health insurance as it eases the burden on the public system. An often used argument against tax cuts is they only benefit the rich, well here is one that would benefit the middle class and rich (as they are generally the ones who can afford health insurance) but also benefit the poor as if more people go private it frees public health resources. Obviously the amount you could get back would be capped. What's more as the government is only giving a 1/3 of the amount back it could well pay for itself with the savings!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Why Christians shouldn't wife swap!!
I watched a tv show I had never watched the other night, it was called 'trading spouses' it is where they get two wives to swap families and they have to live the other persons life and look after their family. This particular edition had a Christian swapping with a Jew (not that Christianity and being a Jew are mutually exclusive!). The result was absolute cringe, I could not sit through the full hour as the Christian mom shared how she was going to 'bless the socks off' the other family and then proceeded to wake up teenagers on a weekend by singing "rise and shine and give God the glory glory" ARGGGHHHHHHH the ultimate cringe.
Friday, May 13, 2005
When is a marriage not a marriage?
When your spouse is under 25 and you are applying for the student allowance!! I am about to start studying and have been told that the Student Allowance people will not recognise my relationship as my wife is under 25. Was I offended? NO!! Given that it means I can claim full student allowance while my wife works full time. They may not recognise my relationship but I am sure I can still call her my wah :-)
Wasting time on bricks
Well this is my first rant on my blog! I am not sure if this will be read by many if any but I am sure I can do some shameless promoting amongst my friends
Exodus 5: 7 -13
'Do not give the people straw for bricks as before. Let them go and gather their own straw.
Meanwhile, you must require them to make the same quota of bricks as before. Do not reduce it. They are lazy, and are protesting that they want to go sacrifice to their God.
Make the work heavier for the men, and make sure they do it. Then they will stop paying attention to false ideas.'
This passage is found at a time while the Israelites were trying to get freedom from their bondage and what was Pharaoh's plan, keep them busy making bricks. How often we try to use our good works and our labour for the Lord to escape the bondage and sin we let ensare ourselves. While the bricks are good and useful for building others and the house of God, they are utterly useless in releasing us from bondage. Just like the Israelites we can only be released from our bondages through the miracle working hand of God. For them it was done through the passover. For us it is the Blood of the Lord Jesus who can free us from all bondage. How much better to be free first and then be able to build bricks, not as a slave but as a servant of the most high!! Freedom will never come through bricks but through Gods precious son Jesus! Once you have experienced the freedom make as many bricks as you can !!
Exodus 5: 7 -13
'Do not give the people straw for bricks as before. Let them go and gather their own straw.
Meanwhile, you must require them to make the same quota of bricks as before. Do not reduce it. They are lazy, and are protesting that they want to go sacrifice to their God.
Make the work heavier for the men, and make sure they do it. Then they will stop paying attention to false ideas.'
This passage is found at a time while the Israelites were trying to get freedom from their bondage and what was Pharaoh's plan, keep them busy making bricks. How often we try to use our good works and our labour for the Lord to escape the bondage and sin we let ensare ourselves. While the bricks are good and useful for building others and the house of God, they are utterly useless in releasing us from bondage. Just like the Israelites we can only be released from our bondages through the miracle working hand of God. For them it was done through the passover. For us it is the Blood of the Lord Jesus who can free us from all bondage. How much better to be free first and then be able to build bricks, not as a slave but as a servant of the most high!! Freedom will never come through bricks but through Gods precious son Jesus! Once you have experienced the freedom make as many bricks as you can !!
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